Ep. 81: Equine Therapy to Bring You Back to Self with Dr. Ashley Dial

Dr. Ashley Dial (formerly Dr. Thompson) received her PhD in Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute of Carpinteria, CA. Unlike traditional Western psychology, Depth Psychology does not seek to label problems or prescribe quick fix solutions, instead it approaches mental health issues with compassion, love, empathy, and creates consciousness around what troubles us. Dr. Dial’s research and studies on the horse-human relationship have afforded her special insight into the psychological elements involved in equine therapies. In addition to her in-depth studies and education, Dr. Dial’s experience working on horse ranches gave her the advantage of complete immersion into the understanding of horses. 

Combining her knowledge of Depth Psychology and Trans-species Psychology, Dr. Dial has developed a unique therapeutic model that offers a refreshing and real approach to modern day issues. Dr. Dial’s therapeutic technique is personable, honest, and organic. Working from a Jungian perspective of mental health, the entirety of the individual is taken into consideration and worked with in-depth. As the goal of any mental health treatment model should be, Dr. Dial engages clients with the expectation that whatever issues they may have, their treatment will be specific and result oriented. 

In this episode, we discuss: 

·       Her very interesting story of why she first started working with horses.

·       What depth psychology is and how it differs from traditional psychology.

·       The significance and the insight we can gain from our dreams.

·       The energetic conversations that are happening alongside our actual conversations.

·       The intuitive nature of horses and how they can sense what’s going on in us.

·       How and why trans-species therapy can be an easier way to work through traumas and issues than traditional therapy.

·       How working with horses can help with everything from trauma, depression, and grief to everyday stressors and anxiety.


You can find and follow Dr. Dial here:


Instagram: @thompson_therapy

Facebook: @AshleyThompsonPhD




Ep. 79: Finding Forgiveness & Healing with Sara Schulting Kranz

Ep. 72: To Change Your Life & Change the World, You Have to Do the Work with Brandi Harvey

Ep. 69: Breathing Through Stress & Anxiety with Dr. Emma Seppala

Ep. 43: Brainwash Yourself to Make Better Decisions with Dr. Austin Perlmutter

Ep. 24: Meditation to Reduce Stress, Increase Focus, & Rest Your Brain with Monty Cholmeley

Ep. 51: Your Unconscious, Your Ego, & You with Jungian Psychologist Gary Bobroff

Ep. 7: How the Body Remembers What the Mind Tries to Forget with Amy Pope-Latham



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Kacie Main