i’m dedicated to helping you better understand
the most important and most complicated relationship you’ll ever be in -
your relationship with your self
I do that through my book, my writing, and my podcast - The Better You.
This podcast is here to help you explore your relationship with yourself – get to know yourself so you can accept yourself, heal yourself, and become a better version of yourself.
it all started with
which shares my journey of realizing i even have a relationship with my self…
and I had been neglecting it.
“She tells it with an honesty and candor that connects with the reader no matter what stage of life you may be in.”
“I found myself laughing, thinking and relating on so many levels.”
“Everything is relatable, we’ve all been in her shoes...””
“Kacie tells her own story... but really she is telling the story of every girl who is trying to balance pursuing love with defining her own self-worth; every child trying to build healthy adult relationships with their family members; every young professional trying to understand the intersection of motivation and contribution. ”
My writing has been featured in:
And I have a blog!
(that I used to contribute to!)
“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”
My Story
I spent years successfully wandering through jobs but always trying to figure out “what I want to be when I grow up.” As my career path zigged and zagged, writing was always there, lurking in the background patiently waiting it's turn.
Then at 32 years old, the patience ran out.